Monday, November 15, 2010

African masks

There are many different types of African masks.. One example is the Baule mask. Every mask is used for different things.

"African masks are considered amongst the finest creations in the art world and are highly sought after by art collectors."

This website is about African masks for kids. It gives a history on the masks and talk about how to make them

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Technology in the Classroom

Here is a quote from Stephanie Reese. She is a technology teacher at Notre Dame Preparatory High School in Scottsdale, Arizona.

"I use art in the classroom to teach everything from communication and desktop publishing to web design and in yearbook classes," she said. "We’re using it for students to be able to tell a story, and this allows them to do it visually. Whether they use video or artwork, they still manipulate the medium and create something that’s a story."

Reese uses Painter software. She uses it to teach different concepts such as "3D animation modeling, 3D figures for geometry, and sculpting for anatomy classes–and also to teach color theory."

There are so many different ways to teach art using technology. These are all great examples. I really liked the example of her using it in yearbook classes because I don't think I would have ever really considered that an art, but when you think about it, it really is.

"The use of technology as a creative tool is occurring more and more in art classrooms across the country." With things such as such as paint, animation and three-dimensional modeling programs are beginning to be used in art education programs.

Technology is more and more common now days and it is beginning to be incorporated into classrooms a lot more, even with art. It gives teacher a different way to teach art and this way, kids are not just learning about art but they are learning about technology as well.